Clinical Services


  • Initial Consultation with Dr. Michelle Jonelis (New Patient Visit): $550

includes up to 60 minutes face-to-face time plus the additional time required to review prior records, develop and document a customized care plan, and communicate with other care providers (total time spent by Dr. Jonelis is typically around 3 hours)

  • Comprehensive Follow-up 1:1 consultation with Dr. Michelle Jonelis: $350

includes up to 50 minutes face-to-face time plus the additional time required to review interval records, develop and document a customized care plan, and communicate with other care providers

  • 30 minute follow-up 1:1 consultation with Dr. Michelle Jonelis: $200

includes up to 30 minutes face-to-face time plus the additional time required to review interval records, develop and document a customized care plan, and communicate with other care providers

  • 1:1 CPAP troubleshooting appointments with our Certified Sleep Technologist: $200

includes up to 50 minutes face-to-face time with the technologist as well as additional time to place necessary orders and document the visit

  • 1:1 Lifestyle Medicine Coaching: Inquire for Pricing

  • Breathwork Sessions: Inquire for Pricing

  • Myofunctional Therapy: Inquire for Pricing


See Psychoeducation Groups


  • Sleep Tracker Rental: $20/week

  • Home Sleep Testing (includes physician interpretation): $250

  • Non-Member Communication Between Visits that require >10 minutes of clinician time: $100/communication with physician, $40/communication with sleep technologist

For services such as phone calls, forms completion, CPAP or Sleep Tracker Interpretation, Lab review/Data interpretation, Medication/Procedure Insurance Authorizations. Please note that phone calls that require more than 20 minutes of total work (including preparation and follow-up) must be billed as a 30 minute clinic visit.

  • Home Visits: Additional fee may apply depending on the distance of your home from our office.

  • Daily Wake-up Calls: Inquire for Pricing

NOTE: Payment is due prior to each visit. There is a $200 no-show fee for visits cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

1:1 Clinician Visits can be virtual or in-person at our Mill Valley office, per your preference.